
Tired? I am so exhausted! I'll just say that soccer hurts when you haven't done it in a while. Other than the pain in my hips, and bruises elsewhere (I even have one on my thumb... Unfortunately, I think that it's from playing video games though, esp. TH3... I hope not though...), the day went rather well once again. Maybe even better than the last entry, especially because I didn't get locked out of my room. Anyway, I got to share my testimony (for those who don't know what that means, for a Christian it's just the story of how their faith came to be... Usually telling a lot about their life) last night at Refuge (Chapman's Christian "Club"[I like Family better!]). I've only told that to a couple of people... Ever. And I shared with twenty people last night! Wow. That's a large jump from two to twenty. He he... that's fun to say really fast... two to twenty; two to twenty...
Well I don't have much else to say tonight. Nothing stupid or oddly querky (is that a word?) to philosophize. Things are good though; Quite well really; Ca va bein. I'm off my rocker once again. To the dreaded Sleep! Until then---

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