
has it really been a year?

honestly, to me it seems like so much has happened since then, it's ridiculous. wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving... Health Tip: for the most pridefully, glutenous day of the year, that is; if you eat smaller portions throughout the entire day, you can eat EVEN MORE turkey. until then---


i was tagged:

so, as much as these sort of things aren't my favorite things to do, i've been in a saucy mood lately... or maybe it's been boredom. here it goes:

1. i've done my own hair for about 4 years and i don't think it looks bad... i've even been asked by stylists (notice it's plural) "who does your hair?"

2. although i profess the Christian faith, i was christened/dedicated when i was very young, but i've not been baptized by a church/pastor in water by submersion. i simply don't believe it's necessary.

3. my dad was teaching me piano when i was 8. i learned enough to get by, but i hated the damn thing (i still have problems today, although i now wish i'd have learned it fully then) and naively told him, "you don't see pianos in a band!" three things from that: 1) i obviously have been chasing that dream for a long time, 2) i grew up in the 80s, like most anyone that'd be reading this... there were PLENTY of pianos/keyboards in bands!, and 3) after that, he handed me a clarinet...

4. i've broken into a girlfriends' mothers' house to get her textbooks for her, then had to walk back to school (about 7 miles) coz another friend drove his bug (not mine... mine was fine that day!) and it wouldn't start when we were rushing off coz her mom was coming home (there's more travel stuff, but it's not important... you can ask if you want to know)... we made it back to school just before the last bell - in time to find out i had been elected ASB president...

5. i voted no on 8.

my parents, and their siblings, etcetera didn't.

6. the late Don LaFontaine is my second cousin. by marriage of course.

7. i know that i talk a lot and i've begun to think that it's because i'm really insecure about myself. the more i know i know about myself, the less i know.

thank you, joy, for forcing this upon me ;P Grant and Christina are the only ones left that haven't been tagged that i know of... do it! until then---


Why do I make room in my mind for such filth and nonsense? Do I hope that if feeling disguises itself as thought I shall feel less? Aren't all these notes the senseless writhings of a man who won't accept the fact that there is nothing we can do with suffering except to suffer it? Who still thinks there is some device (if only he could find it) which will make pain not to be pain. It doesn't really matter whether you grip the arms of the dentist's chair or let your hands lie in you lap. The drill drills on. - C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed, p 33.

after 3 weeks, i feel i'm actually at the point where i can truly let the drill drill on. until then---