
Been a couple... I'd like to apologize to you out there that actually read my site on a regular basis. I suck. I don't update oftenn enough to entertain you. I apologize. I'm sure that I couldn't even be interesting to the people that are so bored that they begin to look at all of the most recently updated blogs. I've partaken in this "bored bloggist ritual" and have come across a couple of good blogs. One of which I've gotten in contact with the person updating it and have become pen pals? I know for sure that that can't be right....I don't use a pen when I write her... Oh well. I don't know whyy it's seems a lot cooler to write to someone that you don't know at all. Sure, I can see it's benefits: you don't have to be who you really are, you can start anew with this person. But in truth, at least for me, I know that I've never really wanted to start over with someone, and I'm not trying to mess with this person at all. Just an honest email and comment relationship. It's cool. I have nothing to hide but it's not like we're talking about that type of stuff... That I keep for my girlfriend (he he...It's weird to say that... Our realtionship has gone untitled by us for a week). I just find it interesting that I can keep in contact with someone that I don't know at all except from what they want to tell me when I've got some life-long friends that I have problems keeping in touch with. I'm sure we all have this sort of deal in some way or another but I find it very weord of myself coz I really don't even like writing emails, but for some odd reason I will do it to keep contact with this one person that I don't even know. Harsh reality. Yup, that's what it is. Well, the pigs have flown the coop. Must go hunt some beef. Mmmm... Until then---

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