
What a day! A bit confusing, and a little exciting...well that wasn't really yesterday, but now that I've got your attention... Things are a little strange around here right now. Yet another corporate-created holiday is just around the corner: Valentines Day. Oh, whoopie!! let's jump for joy... Anyway, I haven't really celebrated the holiday for at least two years and one of those, for sure, was when I had a girlfriend. Odd? Maybe, but the day of Saint Valentine has been so blown out of proportion that it really is just calling out to me to be boycotted. I mean really... If you are in a relationship and you need a holiday to do something special for your significant other, that is really sad and you really should be with anyone coz noone deserves that. This isn't meant to be an "I'm pissed of at the stupid lovey-dovey feel of the month" entry but wanna-be's suck!! If the love isn't really there, a corporate holiday isn't going to change it, it will just hide it. That, I'm sure, is a very fun fufilled game, too: Hide your heart and go love. Pretty good for 1:30 in the morning, eh?
Well the reason why the topic of Feb. 14 came up is the way that I've been observing everyone around here (at Chapman), on TV, and myself. I've found that we all have become compulsive toward so many things. Some of us are in our relationships and engulfed in them. Some are in relationships and disregard the commercialistic holiday and find ways to avoid even talking about it. Some, like me, are having trouble with the other sex as it is and are hating the stupid capitalists that created the holiday beacuse it places an invisible pressure force around you to be in love or something like that. Some hide in shells avoiding the topic of relationships entirely but are sacraficing their strictly-plutonic realations is some way or another. I think that if you are truly in love with someone or just like them a bit more than the rest, there should be no pressure on anyone but to tell them how you feel. No gifts, just that good ol' lovin' feelin' (no I'm not dirt poor, nor dirt cheap either). I think that's something that we've lost as a society. Material things are what we "need" to show our affection towards each other. Sure they're nice once in a while, but it should not take a holiday (I shouldn't use that word for it...we don't get the day off or anything!) to show appreciation, love, or pure humbleness.
That is the end of my soap box speech...I stand down to the rest of the world that doesn't care. Until then---

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