
Time to be more frequent. Life gives some tough choices. Like right now, I could be sleeping but instead I'm here typing at his infernal CPU (I actually like this thing too much) trying to think of something that I really want to get out in the open...At least to myself. I don't know why, but before I left dropping off my girlfriend at her apartment, I was definitely planning to sleep immediately(?). Well that didn't happen obviously and here I am, rambling away.
Now, in all honesty I know that I don't have anything of interest to say to anyone almost ever. This weblog is definitely no exception. When I started this, I'd planned to learn some web design stuff, which I did but it has almost become too much of a hobby especially since I can't do it well enough to get paid to design stuff for anyone else, but I mostly wanted to keep my friends and family up with what I'm up too and what's going through my mind. By now I'm quite sure that I am one of one person that reads this, but that's ok coz I'm boring anyway. My updates have always been paled by my dorm roommates, Grant and Aaron's, weblogs updates because of their uncanny ability to write well. The one thing that I at least think I'm good at when it comes to liturature, poetry, still doesn't spark interst in those that that would read any of our sites. And when I don't have an audience, I, as the entertainer, lost interest and stopped regularly updating. Sux? Ubetchagolly it does! I've foudn though that this is a good outlet for anything that I want out there so I've decided to keep this going for a long as I have and I hope to continue to update this for as long as I can. Maybe with some changes, and a little growing up (not too much, I still am working at being a pro guitarist in Breakfast Epiphanies so I've still got to dream...), I'll be able to write these weblogs with regularity and style that is interesting to the oblivious reader. We'll see what happens. Until then---

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