
Brasil wins fifth! As a soccer fan and as a soccer player, I could see this being an important day. As someone that lives in the western hemisphere, I could definitely see that game as not being very important seeing how I would have had to stay up way past my bedtime!! But the first thing that I did once I figured out where I was this morning (that is a good and normal thing to do...You don't want to be lost and falling over things, right?) was check on the coverage done by Yahoo. They did a good job of making sure that people could know what was up with World Cup soccer. At least they seemed to have truly cared. I swear, I don't think that I heard anything about the tournament on local (barely national!) news once the US was out of it.
It was even funny, but slightly disturbing, when I was watching the last game of the "Subway Series" during interleague play earlier and the commentators said, "Brasil is like the Yankees of the World Cup." They then went on to figure out who Ronaldo's equivalent would be on the Yankees. Look more power to the Yanks for being as good as they are, but for either of those teams to be compared like that is just wrong somehow. I think that if they are to be compared the Yankees are the Brasil of the MLB, but I still don't think that it's right. Maybe it has a little do to with the fact that I don't like the New York (AL) (excepting Robin Ventura, Why is he there?!?) but I really do respect them since they earned there way to where they are. They are just too good. Whatever...I'm over it but that comment is going to forever be something that I won't like about the ESPN commentator that spoke those words. Oh well, what can you do? Congratulations to Brasil, and to the rest of the world: Maybe in four... Until then---

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