
I'm Back!!!! For those of you out there that actually care about my life and the happenings here in the wonderful place of Orange County, I'm back to my much more consistant updatings. The first week of Spring semester has been alright in my opinion because I could get my site back up and running a lot faster than I thought that I would be. Free afternoons are GREAT!!...
Well now I am a semester older and I've still not grown up. I know that responsibility (What's That??) is a integral part of life as a college student but there are somethings that just get in the way. That's right, I'm talking about sleeping and eating again. Two essentials that I find very stupid. I wish I didn't have to eat...It's so time consuming. Same with sleeping...They are so over-rated. Sure, you may think that it helps you out but in all actuality it's just eating your life away. Take my roomate Grant for instance, who at this moment (1:00 am and still going) is out getting work done: editing. Ahh...The man doens't sleep enough according to books but he is an example to us all. Sure he may look like the most worn out, run-down, dirty (not really but it fit) college student (there's the real downfall) that I've seen but if all of us worked as hard as he did, we wouldn't have to worry about trivial conversation coz we'd be too tired to care. Great plan, huh!?... Right...
Well I think that I finally may be getting a chance to get somewhere with my music. My roomates and I are plotting to put together a group. It'll be great coz I'll have at least one person, Christina, that I can talk about some hardcore musician stuff. That'll be new!! I've definitely had some musical idiots in bands before...(Disclaimer: I'm not only really talking about with guitars and stuff though so I apologize to any of the true musicians (you know who you are) that I've played with that could possibly be reading this.) To find out more about us and the whole band thing, you'll just have to wait. My new part of the site with the stupid ad on the side will be partially devoted to the band, it's happenings, and it's non-happenings, it's music, and the like. Hopefully, enough people will listen and like it that we can get somewhere and make a better site for us all...
I hope that this is a sufficient update for now. I don't know how much more I can write tonight. I've been on my CPU for too long the past couple of days working on this site, esp. the new part. And besides that, i've got to go and betray my beliefs. Sleep is calling me...eight o'clock is too early for a class...I HATE having to sleep!!...I'll keep you posted on any further hipocricy (he he, I like that word). Until then---

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