
so as i'm sure you've found out by now, i really enjoy looking at license plate holders and bumper stickers during my commute to and from work... as it's a really long time in the car for me in traffic... anyway, i found a gem today:

this lady was driving a huge ford truck with all of these things telling me about her on the rear of her vehicle (in order of what i noticed):

a sticker that reads: "guns don't kill people, abortion kills people"

another sticker resembling this one:

(in lieu of the "enemy of the state" line it had a new meaning for the acronym for the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) that i can't remember).

and a license plate holder that reads:

"got jesus?
it's HELL without him!"

(along with a Revelations verse i couldn't read)

ok... so... i'll start by saying that i don't mind people sharing their beliefs on the back of their cars - as i said, it's a source of entertainment for me - but wow. it isn't how many things there are, it is what they are saying. it's also funny to note the pure absolutes that a lot of political stances seem to take. i'll be straightforward: abortion isn't a great option and, yeah, a fetus ends up dying in the process. but guns kill quite effectively as well. just noting it...

also, i'll say so far, i've no qualms with the ACLU, but if she does, that's cool. but just because they are trying to do their best to uphold civil liberties which may leave you with a bit less money in your pocket, doesn't make them communist... or even socialist for that matter. it's actually a simple principle that Christ talked about often, which brings up the next point.
regardless of whether you think that everyone that is not a bible-toting, church-going evangelical christian is going to hell or not, Jesus didn't play the political game. so lady, i think you're missing the mark "wide right". in fact, it was for this reason that he was put on a cross. his refusal to play the game of earthly kingdoms made the ire of the temple leaders ever stronger against the power that Jesus wielded in his ability to perform miracles even as simple as comforting someone in need. of course for those of us that believe Jesus to be God incarnate, we know why that would be so easy. but regardless, the things that Jesus was able to do, and supposedly was on earth to do was to bring a bit of heaven on earth by showing us a way to live.
sadly, it seems that those most often associated with this peaceful man are considered to be political conservatives that don't seem to want to give even their crumbs up to help another soul in need. the "protestant ethic" has gone even further awry. trust me, i understand working hard to earn your way, but blocking others' chance at success is no way to care for your neighbor (i.e. fellow citizen, fellow HUMAN).
after all this, i think i'm just tired of Christianity being used as a political tool. Christ is not on your side. i'm confident that God doesn't play that game. until then---

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