
ThougHTs WHile StARing at A Wall

...or while staring at a license plate holder that reads:



i began rapidly thinking about the opposite possibility: GOD DAMN AMERICA

then i began thinking about the differences in inflection and punctuation that makes very cool things possible. between the both of these statements, there are many changes in meaning and tone that can occur. the same three words can make you a nice person, a sarcastic person, a "godly" person, a hater, and on and on. i'm interested to see what people come up with... i think that there's one that i'd like to see America truly use... it'll be better than bombs. until then---


Aaron said...

I like to think that somewhere someone is saying, rather exuberantly, almost joyfully,
Goddamn! America!

I get annoyed when people use "GOD BLESS AMERICA!" as some sort of rallying cry. It's a weird thing, because it's not a proclamation of victory or blessedness -- it's a plea and a prayer. There should be a comma:
"God, bless America. Amen."
I'll say that.

I will also say:
"God, bless Iraq. God, bless Afghanistan. God, bless the world. Please. Amen."

Ed said...

your first thought "GODDAMN! AMERICA!" was the first one in mind, i must admit.

the other one i was thinking of was: "God Bless, America". I think that'd be something (if it wasn't patronizing or anything, which, yeah right...) that would be better than bombs.