
For some reason there must be some evil ploy to make sure that most college students do not come out of college with a better understanding of Christ. There are definitely not the same types of outreaches that there are with the other levels, like high school, or middle school. What I'm thinking of inperticular is Wyld Life, which is for middle-schoolers, and Young Life, for high-schoolers. Why isn't there something for us? I know that they can't think that we've got it all figured out when all 'elders of the church' talk about is the "troubled youth." Now the purpose for the two aforementioned groups is to provide a non-threatening place to share the Gospel of Christ. It's genuinely fun times lead by Christians that aren't trying to force you into submission but to give people (in this case kids) an understanding of Christ. Now, I do believe that the main problem within the church and with those that don't believe (I usually even categorize these people together since they have the same problem) is that they don't have an understanding of who Christ is. People within the church usually focus too much on the legalistic aspect of the church and those that hve no reason to believe see this as blasphemy and won't have anything to do with it and therefore nothing to do with Christ. Well folks, this legalism is blasphemous. If we bust out our good ol' SAT knowledge, we'd observe that the suffix, "-ism", means "the belief in." So... basically this means that the people hooked on the religion not the faith, believe in the law, not in Christ therefore making them non-Christian. This is in line with the people so stuck in their: "I'm Baptist" (believing merely the baptism), or "I'm Evangelist" (believing that they have to go out and tell people about telling people about telling people...), or "I'm Lutheran" (You know that Martain Luther didn't want to be worshipped!). Ok so that's pretty extreme, but the idea is that those labels shouldn't matter. In Acts 2, the writer, Luke writes about the first church. They usually didn't have a permamnent building, if they had one at all, and it was total freedom in Christ. All that mattered was Christ. The only thing that should matter is Christ, and learning more about him and doing what He wants you to do. Until that realization is made, there will be a lack of faith. Our humanism will have gotten in the way...like usual. I think that I got a bit off of my point... oh well. Until then---

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