
Vacation is now over...! Well I'm back from Ohio and, no, I didn't get to update while I was there. That's quite obvious really... Well I'd like to say that the east coast is an adventure. These last two weeks were the second time that I've been out past Arizona and only my second round-trip flight (and I haven't done any one-way...). It was good times though.
One word of advice for anyone planning to go to Florida (the road-trip from Cleveland that Faye and I made...good times...): DON'T. It's just hot and muggy down there all of the time. Sure, the whole road trip down there I was thinking about Home Alone 2 when the family is totally rained in while in Miami, but I wasn't planning on duplicating the movie! The only cool thing that I can say about fatty storms is that you can actually watch them roll in. Let me just say that from the 20th floor in a hotel it looked like a wall of water like out of a movie just ingulfing buildings. FAT RAIN! FAT FAT FAT FAT RAIN!! I don't believe that we can get that sort of rain here in California, unless Grant can prove me wrong... Do the storms get like that in Northern Cali? I don't know...and I don't plan on staying up there long enough to find out! A lot of the people up there truly scare me... it's like the east coast on the west coz a lot of the people on the east scared me, too. That reminds me, the road trip was near traumatizing(?)(what the heezy?) due to us having to go through all of thos southern states. I was honestly scared to get pulled over for being black. I know that it happens so I am very weary of it. What makes it more scary is that Faye is white so I could get into more trouble somehow. Don't ask me how the system works...I know that there are a lot of racists down there although I couldn't pick one out just driving by, but knowledge that has been passed to me is to just be careful and being careful makes me shiver. The unsteady hand prevails...! Well of to foreign dreams of Argentina, their World Cup victory, and the llamas on the west side. Until then---

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