La dee Da... So most recently (yesterday...) I've come across this quotes page which probably has the most obvious web address: It's really cool. I like quotes (hence the quotes page that I have on this site that I've not updated since last semester sometime). I found a good for today. "The whole problem can be stated quite simply by asking, 'Is there a meaning to music?' My answer would be, 'Yes.' And 'Can you state in so many words what the meaning is?' My answer to that would be, 'No.'"Stimulating isn't it!? The twentieth century composer, Aaron Copland, said this and I find it totally true. Music is such a gift of God to us and there is no way to truly describe how it makes you feel or whatever it does to you.
"Music is essentially useless, as life is." - George Santayana. I was just thinking about what I'd really be wanting to do in a normal day of the rest of my life... without being married yet of course. Lemme think: Wake up, when ever and read my bible. Shower to wake up the senses then play guitar, hopefully jamming with my band. I might eat somewhere in least I should. Keep playing more music. If I have a significant other at the time, I'd want to see her of course. More music. Maybe some video games if I have the time before bed. Then bed... I think that that would be chill. The only thing is that I'd absolutely have to be making money playing music, as I know I will be... no worries there. But the thing is that I know that there is no way that God has that chill schedule in the near future, and that's ok. I can think about it can't I? At least I know He's got me in His hands. *singing* He's got the whole world in his hands. *stop singing* He he. It's so true... and I wish that the whole world knew.
Kind of on that, I saw someone get used for the Lord hardcore today. Chelsea Kreitler (Moore, to some) did her speech today in my COM 101 lab today. She usually isn't even in that class time so I know that there was someting about me seeing and hearing her give this speech. It was cool coz she basically explained Christianity to a class that mostly contains people that are or have been turned away from it or just are of a religion instead of a faith. That was almost exactly what she was talking about, too; that fact that Christianity is about the relationship between us and Jesus, not about the religion (rules and laws). Right on. I'm glad that I go to hear that today... I was blessed and I pray that that may have changed some hearts. Amen.
Now I've been doing this blog as kind of an all-day thing today, and I think that it may work out better this way in order to keep it up more often... I might try this again soon. Until then---